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The Unfinished

We started sewing in 2001 (we'll tell this story better in a future post!) and immediately started accumulating fabrics and projects. We believe that everyone goes through this, especially in the beginning.

It is very difficult to control the impulse to buy lots of beautiful fabrics (even if you don't know what to do with them...) or to start new projects.

And so... a box becomes a shelf, a shelf becomes a closet, a closet becomes a room, and the room ends up being too small for so many things.

We are much better at this, and as much as possible, we try to buy only the fabrics we will use and to start only the projects we will be able to finish.

But... during these 20 years our fabric collection and our boxes of UFOs (Unfinished Objects) have grown a lot! And from time to time we try to use those older fabrics and to tackle the stored projects (some even starting to get yellowed by aging!). The worst part is that the more time goes by, the more our taste changes and many of those projects no longer appeal to us as they used to... others can still be nice gifts!

Here are some quilt tops that have spent years enclosed in UFO boxes:

Should we finish them or not?

And then there are those blocks that never became quilt tops... Many of them were part of BOMs (Blocks of the Month) that were put aside for various reasons.

Will we be able to finish them all?

Only time will tell!

Love, Sisters

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